Our Delivery Services


We have partnered with Global-e to provide an international shipping service that allows our customers to shop and pay securely with local payment and currency options. All parcels are shipped directly from our warehouse in Australia.

Please select the flag icon in the top right corner to see which countries we ship to and select accordingly. This will change the currency on the website. Once you are in checkout, you will see local payment methods and calculations for any appropriate shipping, duties, taxes and other customs fees.

UK Express 3-5 days £12 Free express delivery for orders over £150
USA Express 3-5 days $10 Free express delivery for orders over $120
Ireland Express 3-5 days € 14  
Hong Kong Express 3-5 days AUD 20 - Shipping rates confirmed at checkout.  
Israel Express 4-10 days AUD 20 - Shipping rates confirmed at checkout.  
Sweden Express 4 days KR 160  
Canada Express 4-9 days CAD 10 Free express delivery for orders over CAD 160
Singapore Express 3 days SGD 10 Free express delivery for orders over SGD 170

Order Tracking

You can check the status of your order anytime by signing into My Account.

Delivery Addresses

Please ensure your address is complete and correct when going through checkout. Orders, where the courier have deemed the address incorrect or insufficient, may result in delayed delivery, lost parcels or parcels returned to our fulfilment centre.

Payment Methods

Flexible, local payment options available at checkout.